These bottom line formulas are the foundation of large-scale investments in digital transformation and sales experiences. Of course, many other factors, such as industry trends, influence revenue in successive quarters, but better sales-related experiences increase revenue in the long run. through partners, you can tap into new revenue streams . If you sell through partners and create a partner experience, there are a few additional metrics to measure ROX, such as: 6. Deal Registration A better partner experience should lead to a rapid increase in the number of registered deals. Partners will spend more time on an engaging digital experience, making it easier to work with you.
But you should not only consider this metric. Partners may be booking digitally supported deals they otherwise would have ignored. Use this metric along with partner sales ratios or cycle times to get a more complete picture of ROX. 7. Partner Satisfaction Do you already track partner Israel phone number list satisfaction? If not, you should ask your partners to rate their satisfaction with your business and partner experience. As with customer satisfaction, a scale of one to ten is generally used. If you use partner satisfaction to measure ROX, you need to record numbers before and after changes. For example, consider conducting the same affiliate survey before launching a new experience and regularly thereafter. 8. Partner Involvement.
You can have the best content in the world, but that's irrelevant if no one is using it. Partner involvement provides insight into what works and what doesn't, so you know what to develop and optimize. Create a partner experience with useful sales tools and useful content that partners can share with customers. Why is this so important? Your partners will spend more time on your experience if you provide them with relevant content. To measure engagement, you can use metrics such as number of views, number of downloads, time spent on the experience and – for social media content – number of likes and times a post has been shared.