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md bayezid hosin
Mar 31, 2022
In Business Forum
Generation. Create a sitemap of your site and submit it to Google. You won't need to create a new one when adding or removing pages from your site, but you should visit Google Search Console when you want a page to be de-indexed. 6. Check Your On-Page SEO On-page SEO is more than just content. SEO is full of secret joys, so it's no surprise that you can't whip up great keyword-rich content and call it a day. This may make users happy, but search engines lack affection as well. What are the technical aspects of on-page SEO? Page titles Give titles to the pages of your site. Some people actually forget this part. The result is nameless pages that confuse visitors and are not easily detected by Google search. Make sure titles aren't too long. Otherwise. they will be truncated in search results, .When creating a new page, always check the title length in a Google search results previewer. Make sure that two pages on your site do not have the same title. Duplicate titles only serve to confuse users and search employee email list engines. Meta descriptions Page descriptions in the <META> tag are a bit less critical than titles, but you can still use them in SEO – and therefore you should. They require the same treatment as titles: fill them in, pay attention to their length, avoid duplicates, double-check in a preview tool. Here is an additional detail. If you leave the META description tag blank. Google will populate the search result description with the first few sentences of the page. You can try to save some time by optimizing those first few sentences to work like your description. It's a bit dicey, though: Google sometimes changes the character limit for descriptions, which might cause you more headaches in the long run. H1 tags The big and pretty title displayed on the page in big bold type? This is usually done using an H1 tag. Some pages can work just fine without it, but it's better to have an H1 tag on a page than not. Plus, you need exactly one: no more.

md bayezid hosin

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